Sunday, October 26, 2014


We are sad to reports that former WOLF Radio Nighttime great broadcasters Dale Dorman has died Tuesday October 21, 2014 at age 71 in Tewksbury, Mass. Dale started at Syracuse's WOLF AM-1490 in September 1964, first doing mornings before being shifted to the night show.Then departed WOLF for West Coast Radio in August 1965 (Kresno Ca & San Francisco) before once again gracing the Syracuse airwaves at WOLF in January 28 1966 though Sept 19, 1966,

During that time his creative energy changes what Syracuse Nighttime Radio would be for years to come. He also had the honor of introducing the Rolling Stones at the Syracuse War Memorial Auditorium  in July 1966..

You can read his total updated story in Chapter 16 of this series. Dale would go in to influence so many Syracuse radio great as Jim Sims, Howie Castle, Don Bombard (Bob Shannon), Fred Horton, Nick Caplan, Lee Goodman, myself. and so many others.. Dale Dorman was inducted into the Massachusetts Broadcasting Hall of Fame in 2010. He will be truly missed.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Dinosaur Radio-  94.1, 95.3, 103.7, 103.9 FM - History of Syracuse Music"Then & Now" Live Reunion Concerts  -  
Dates & performers listed below-"New" Showtime 5-8 PM

(Note- New location starting- October 19, 2014 held at Pensabene's Casa Grande Rest located at 135 State Fair Blvd, Syracuse, NY  13204 (between West Genesee St & Hiawatha Blvd) just down from Syracuse New Times & Sacred Heart Church. 

July 13-   Livin Ennd (Reunion)  & Don Barber & the Dukes  (Reunion) #1

               Livin Ennd- Sandy Bigtree, Al Wolf, Jan Fetterly, Mickey Palumbo
               Adrian Lezotte, Fred Sweet, Bill Cooper
               Special guest- Mike Price (Channel 9's -Baron Daemon)

               Don Barber & The Dukes- Don Barber, Joe Sawmiller, Skip Seyerle,
              Joe Leo,  Brian Miles, Chuck Cavallaro, Dave Read.

              Maplewood Inn- Liverpool, NY

Aug  17   Campus Walkers (Reunion)   & The Nightcaps (Reunion) #2

                Campus Walkers- Tom Rozzano, Mickey Nicotra, Bill Weiss,
                 Special Guest- Mike Carletta (from Andy & The Classics)
                 Dinosaur Radio interview Wednesday 8:12 AM with Rick Cua

                The Nightcaps- Dave Novak, Bill Weiss, Don Shoudy,
                Al McNeil, Tom Rozzano.

                Maplewood Inn- Liverpool, NY

Sept 7      Art Robins & Prestige, Mark Hoffman & Hoffman Family Band #3

                Art "Legs" Robins (vocals) & Prestige Band, members include-
                John Mangicaro (drums), Don Martin (guitar)
                Jerry Brown (horns),  John Capozzolo (bass).
                Special Guest- Chuck Sgroi.

               Mark Hoffmann & Hoffmann Family Band- featuring-
               Mark Hoffmann, (guitar-vocals), Gustav Hoffmann (bass).
               Eva Hoffmann, (vocals), Anna Hoffmann (vocals)  &
               Kenyatta King (drums).
               Dave Solazzo (keyboards)
               Special Guest- Nancy Lorraine Hoffmann

               Maplewood Inn- Liverpool, NY

Oct  19    Carmen Licitra & The Vikings (Reunion) & Ad Ventures #4

                Pensabene's Rest- 135 State Fair Blvd, Syracuse 13204.
                Just off West Genesee Street.
                Time  6-9 PM, Doors opened at 5 PM,
                Admission is free.. Result Packed house

                Carmen Licitra & The Vikings- Dave Novak, Carmen Licitra,
                Chuck Di Cosmo, Chuck Cavallaro, Ed McBarron,

                Ad Ventures- Ed McBarron, Mark Tiejen, Frank Daher,
                Byron Tiejen, Kurt Schmidt

Nov 9     Outcasts- w/ Timeline (Reunion) & Blues Brothers Revue $_#5

                Pensabene's Casa Grande Rest- 135 State Fair Blvd,
                Syracuse 13204 (just off West Genesee St)
                Time 5-8 PM... With doors opened at  4 PM.
                Admission is free...Result standing room only crowd..

                 Outcasts (Reunion)  Mike Ferrante, Ted Storto, Jack Share, with
                 Shane Storto, Kurt Smith, Tom Glamcevski & others.

                 Blues Brothers Revue

Dec 14      Christmas w/ "The Coachmen" & Coachmen (Reunion) #6
                 and Many Special Guests-Timeline, Dave Porter, Skip Murphy,
                 Sandy Bigtree, Mickey Nicotra, Dave Novak, Mark Hoffmann,
                 Courtney Woods, Steve Schad & Bob Brown.

                  Show also included special guests- Dave Porter & Bob,
                  Skip Murphy, Sandy Bigtree, Mickey Nicotra, Mark Hoffmann,
                  Dave Novak, Bob Brown, Courtney Woods, Timeline Band
                  (Mike Ferrante, Ted Storto, Curt Smith, Shane Storto  Tom
                  Glamcevski with special guest  Steve Schad)

         Coachmen reunion-- Joe Neri, Mike Davis,  Rick Cappato, Dickey Cappato,
                 Wayne Mueller, Mark Wildrick, Carl Putzer, Bill Willis,  Bob Petta,
                 John Saltamace & Dennis Goettel.
                  Location- Pensabene's Casa Grande Rest- 135 State Fair Blvd,
                  Syracuse 13204 (Just off West Genesee Street)
                  Start Time 5-8 PM...With doors opening at 4 PM.
                  Admission is free
                  3 sets of music, fun, and dancing to celebrate the 2014
                  holiday season

                  Xmas Show performance Schedule
                  PA- Paulie Scire, Teddy Boileau,
                  Lighting- Ted Storto

                  Set 1- The Coachmen (reunion band) 14 songs

                  Set 2- Dave Porter & Bob w/ Skip Murphy   3 songs
                                 Not Fade Away
                                 It's Alright
                                 Soul Children

                             Mickey Nicotra (3 songs)
                                  It's Alright
                                  Daddy's Home
                                  Honky Tonk

                             Sandy Bigtree & Dave Novak w/ Timeline & Steve Schad
                                  Sleigh Ride (Novak)
                                  Blue Christmas (Sandy & Dave)
                                  Happy Christmas, The War Is Over

                             Timeline Band with special guest Steve Schad
                                   Disco Inferno
                                   Temptations Eyes
                                   Play That Funky Music
                                   Jesus a Just Alright

                   Set 3   The 2014 Coachmen backed up the following acts

                                Bob Brown
                                     Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

                               Mark Hoffman
                                    Talk is Cheap
                                     I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know

                               Courtney Woods
                                     At Last

                               Coachmen- current 2014 lineup performing
                                      6 songs

                               Finale- Sandy Bigtree w/ Coachmen 2014 joined by
                                       Skip Murphy, Courtney Woods & others
                                       "Christmas, Baby Please Come Home"
Feb 14      WINTERFEST -30th Anniversary Show (Tie In) #7

                  Lawless Brothers
                  ( w/ Scott Trudell, Dave Flans, Dave Truax, Michael Brown)

                   Kat Tale Band 
                   (w/ Kate Kolb, Kat Dooley-Wandersee, Eric Wilson, Mike Featherstone,
                    Steve Robinson, William Blanchard)

                    Location- Pensabene's Casa Grande 135 State Fair Blvd.
                    February 14th, Time- 5 to 8 PM, Doors open at 4 PM..
                    Admission -FREE.

Mar 15      British Invasion Show -   Fab Cats & Timeline #8

                  Timeline- Mike Ferrrante, Ted Storto, Curt Smith,
                                    Shane Storto, Rance Walters
                                    Special Guests- Courtney Woods.

                   Fab Cats-
                   Gary Frenay, Arty Lenin, Dave Novak, Dave Smith
                   Special Guest- Mike Kallett (keyboards)

                   Location- Pensabene's Casa Grande 135 State Fair Blvd
                   Sunday- March 15, 5 to 8 PM, Doors open at 4 PM
                   Admission is FREE.

April 12    Cross Creek (Special Reunion Event) #9

                  Cross Creek (Reunion)

                  Danny Weiss, Dave Novak, John Cadley,  Fred Lawrence,
                  Jimmy Johns, John Dancks & George Newton
                  Special surprise guest- Tony Trischka
                  Special surprise guests- Peter Asher & Jeff Alan Ross (Badfinger)
                  Note- Trischka, Asher & Ross all performed on stage with band

                  Skip Murphy & Merry Pranksters

                  Skip Murphy, Dave Liddy, Mike Ranger, George Newton,
                  Mark Gibson, Wayne Stevens & Sharon Allen

                  Location- Pensabene's Casa Grande, 135 State Fair Blvd
                  SUNDAY- April 12, 5 to 8 PM, Doors Opens at 4 PM
                  Admission is FREE

May 31     Sandy Bigtree Band & History of Syr Music All-Star Band #10
                 Sandy Bigtree Band

                 Sandy Bigtree, Gary LaVancher, Dan "Cato" Eaton,
                Jimmy Johns & Pat Hodson

                 History of Syracuse Music All-Star Band
                 Bill Weiss, Mike Ferrante, Dave Novak, Don Shoudy, Ted Storto,
                 Frank Rhodes, Mark Hoffamnn, Skip Murphy, Scotty Trudell,
                 Ed Mc Barron, Shane Storto, Teddy Boileau, Curt Smith,
                 Buke Babikan, Mark Wildrick, Steve Schad,
                 Location- Pensabene's Casa Grande, 135 State Fair Blvd
                 Sunday- May 31, 5 to 8 PM, Doors open at 4 PM
                 Admission is FREE

June 12    Carnage (Reunion) Show w/ The Stranger Show #11

                Chuck Cavallaro, John Favalo, Bob Lindberg, Chuck Pietra,
                Bob Powell, Bob Stasko, Dave Wellner.

                 The Strangers
                 Joe Di Ciano, John DiLauro,  John Favalo, Bob Lindberg, Mike Ranger,
                 Ronnie Dark.

                  Location- Pensabene's Casa Grande, 135 State Fair Blvd.
                  Sunday- June 12, 5 to 8 PM, Doors open at 4 PM
                  Admission is FREE

Aug 8      WOLF Radio- 75 th Anniversary Reunion & Nighttime Gala at
                Pensabenes with  Musical guest The Nightcaps & more- 2015

                 Some of the great WOLF/WNDR Broadcasters returning will be...
                 Howie Castle,  Rick Snyder, Dusty Rhodes, John Gabriel, Bob Brown
                 Windy Craig, Peter C. Cavanaugh, Nick Caplan, Lee Goodman,
                 Rod Wood, Rick Gary, Ron Wray and many-many more.