Friday, July 29, 2022


I started my Syracuse Music History search on December 10, 1962 some 60 years ago and our History of Syracuse Music album series seven years later.  I would like to thank the following who have dedicated hundreds of hours helping me collect information, bios, photos, posters, backstage passes, 331/3, 45, 78 rpm records & picture discs, cylinders, Cd's, cassettes, 8 track tapes, 8 mm recordings, live recordings, artist memorabilia, studio acetate demos, artwork, giving interviews, Video's (DVD's, Beta, VHS, Lazerdiscs) and sending and receiving items from all over the world. Thanks for making the History of Syracuse Music Story what it is today - Ron Wray.

Very special thanks to the one guy who's put up with all the craziness through 60 years, almost every day, my great friend Pete Shedd.

Plus keys to my research David Rezak, Jack Belle, Dave Novak, George Day, Ronnie James Dio, Nick Caplan, Mike Ferrante, Chet Andrews, Don Bombard, Lee Goodman, Sue Mackay, Sydney Irving, Jessica Amidon, Bill Weiss, Don Shoudy, Ted Storto, Frank Rhodes, Randy Kenyon, Greg Spencer, Joe Rao, Rick Cua, Frank DeFonda, Joe Whiting, Dave Porter, David "Rock" Feinstein, Carl Canedy, Paul Shedd, Stephen Shedd, Dick Bottoff, Bobby Comstock, John D'Angelo, Dave Hanlon, Tom Rozzano, Dave Northrup, John Dittrich, Rick Schell, "Dandy Dan" Leonard, Jim Sims, Pat DeSalvo, Ben Mauro, Joe Leo, Mickey Palumbo, Chris Goss, Rick Chisholm, Tapio Keihanen, Dave Proia, Juan Junco, Sandy Roe, Roy Coston, Loren Barrigar, Greg Spencer, Mickey Lee Soule, Alan Clark,Rick Snyder, Jim O'Brien, Bebo Singleton, Vince Taft, Bob DelVecchio, Dave Murray, Don Argott, Demian Fenton, Pellet Sean Pelletier, Tommy Nast, Steve Leeds, Mike Campbell,Brian Meagan, Kevin Farrell,Jeff Gordon, Chris Tso, Mike Marzullo, Jim Robertson, Earl Hamilton,Liz Nowak  
History of Syracuse Music "Official Site" now at 505,428 ts to many-many different countries around the world. 

PS- Still working on our History of Syracuse Music "Official" Book project now over 8,734   pages and that's not including photos.

Very Special Thanks to:

Jessica Amidon, Don Barber, Loren Barrigar, Jack Belle,  Tink Bennett, Charlie Bertini, Mark Bialczak, Sandy Bigtree, Jack O. Bocchino, Don Bombard (Bob Shannon), Garry Bordonaro, Dick Bottoff, Ally Brown, Brian Burke, Carl Canedy, Nick Caplan, Guy Capone, John Carapella, Mike Carapella, Rick Carapella, Howie Castle, Chuck Cavallaro, Jimmy Cavallo, Jeff Chappelle, Dick Clark, Bobby Comstock, Bobby Comstock Jr,Dimotri Cosimo,   Karen Crego, Rick Cua, Cua family, John D'Angelo, Michael Davis, George Day, Justin DeAmbra, Tom DeAmbra, Dean Brothers (John, Bob, Peter Dean), Bill DeLapp, MaryAnn Deming, Pat DeSalvo, Ronnie James Dio, Wendy Dio, John Dittrich, Mike Donohue, Mark Doyle, Dan Elliott, Bill Elmiger, Jim Falsey, Kevin Farrell, Mike Featherstone, David "Rock" Feinstein, Denise Feinstein, Mike Ferrante, Jan Fetterly, "Big Mike" Fiss, Debbie Foley, Craig Fox, Tim Fox, Gary Frenay, Dave Frisina, John  Gabriel, Rick Gary, Bill Gerber III, Jeff Gersbacher, Nancy Gersbacher, Joe Glisson, Ann Goehner, Lee Goodman, Melanie GordonChris Goss, Bobby Green, Mike Greenstein, Holly Gregg, Isreal Gahan, Bob Halligan Jr, Dave Hanlon, Dugan Henhawk, Todd Hobin, Mark Hoffmann, Tim Huppman (Rick Ryder), Sydney Irving, Juan Junco, John Kane, Jenna Kenyon, T.J. Kenyon, Randy Kenyon, Sean Kirst, Kate Kolb, Joe LaGuardia, Gary Lavancher, Ronnie Leigh, Joe Leo, Deb Lewis, "Dandy" Dan Leonard, Bob Lindberg, Thomas Little, Bob Lowry, Sue MacKay, John Mangicaro, Ben Mauro, Joe Montoya, Skip Murphy, Dave Murray, Tommy Nast, Kim Neal, Mickey Nicotra, Dave Northrup, Dave Novak, Rod Novak, Liz Nowak, Jim O'Brien, Patsy & Anna Padavona, Mickey Palumbo, Jim Pantas, Dave Pasternack, Terry Pensabene, "Little Jan" Perolla, Henry Perone, Gary Podsiedlik, Dave Porter, David Rezak, Dusty Rhodes, Frank Rhodes, Dave Ridgeway, Art Robins, The Rods,  Sandy Roe, Tom Rozzano, Nick Russo,  Joe Sawmiller, Dean Schachtel, Chuck Sgroi, Paul Shedd, Pete Shedd, Stephen Shedd, Bob Sherman (Bob Lowry), Don Shoudy, Jim Sims, Dick "Rick" Snyder, Mickey Lee Soule, Greg Spencer, Ted Storto, Randy Tennant, Gerry Testa, Carol Thoryk-O'Leary, Chris Tso, Stacey Waterman, Bill Weiss, Joe Whiting, Jack Wolak, Al Wolf  and the "Official" Ronnie James Dio Fan & Facebook pages & NIJI Entertainment Group, Cortland Ronnie James Dio Day Committee.

Thanks also to:

Colin Aberdeen, Jack Abert, Donna Acchione, Glenn "Gomez" Adams, Mike Adams, Marc Albert,  Marv Albert, Dave Alexander, Bill Ali, Tommy Allen, Joe Altier (Just Joe), Sam Amato, Andy Anderson, Deborah Kelly Anderson, Andy Andrews, Mike Andrews, Elaine Angell, Mike Angiolilio, Tim Anthony, Mike Apel, Kathy Arlotta, Larry Arlotta, Paul Armstrong, Frank Arrigo, Jimmy Ashby, Bass King Avery, Dan Austin, Buke Babikian, Jeff Bachstein, Bob Baggett, Barry Baker, Chris Baker, Larry Baker, Bill Baldwin, Billy Baldwin, Bud Ballou, Sam Barone, Brain Barrigar, Kevin Barrigar, Rick Barry, Howie Bartolo, Rick Basha, Lloyd Baskin, Terry Beacham, John Beardsley,  Jeff W. Beck, "Stereo" Steve Becker, Ron Bee, Greg Belinski, Dick Belle,  Tink Bennett, Mary Bigtree, Len Bilotti, Bernie Binnick (Swan Records), Jim Birmingham, Billy Blanchard, Enrique Blanco, Ron Bloom, Teddy Boileau, Bouchard Brothers, Gary Branch, Frank Brandon, Alan Braum, Laura Brazak,  Lafayette Breland, Frank Briggs, Gary Briggs, Julie Briggs, Steve Brodie, Peter Brohl, Brouther Vic, Ally Brown, Bill Brown, Bob Brown, Dave Brown,  Don (Ryan) Brown, Jerry Brown,  John Brown, John T. Brown, Mike "Smokey" Brown, Steve Brown (SubCat), Rolland Brunet, Dominick Bruno, Dave Bullard, Sera Bullis, Mike Burke, Rolland Burnett, Tim  Burns, John Cadley, Cathy Cadley, Carl Cafrarelli, Victoria Calandra, Jerry Cali, Kit Cali, Mike Campbell,  Cresenzo Capece Jr, John Capazzolo, Eric Capotto, Dickie Capotto, Rock Carbone, Herm Card,  Bill Carey, Mike Carletta, Brian Carr,  John Carucci, Ron Caruana, Mard Caselle, Mike Casale. Paul Case,  Felix Cavalierre, Peter C. Cavanaugh, Jon Celi, Paulie Cerra, Chuck Chao, Rick Charles (Yacobush), Rick Chisholm, Dan Christy, Skip Clark, Bernie Clarke, Tim Cleary, Denyse Clifford, Donna (Brohl) Cochran, Len Colella, Stan Colella, Augusto Collacchi, Donna Colton,  Jim Campagna (Ch 9), Debbie Condon, T.J. Condon, Dennis Connors (OHA),  Bill Cooper, Mark Copani,  Steve Corey, Tom Corradino,  Roy Coston, Joe Couch, Tom Coulter, Bob Couse, Danny Coward, Michael Coward, Ashley Cox, Jimmy Cox,  Windy Craig, Michael Crissan, Fred Crittela, Buzzy Cua, Nick Cua, Ron Curtis,  Frank Cutri

Jacquie Dacey, Baron Daemon (Mike Price), Phil Dallesandro, Ronnie Dark, Billy Davidson, Jordan Davies, James K. Davis,  Tony "Oscar" Davis, Joe Davoli, Alyssa Day, Ann Day, Desiree Day, Tommy DeAmbra, Justin DeAmbra, Kevin Dean, Leila Dean, Kal Dee, Kent DeFelice, Joe DeFio,  Frank Dehner,  Josh Dekaney, Bill DeLapp, Dick Deline, Jim Deline, Bob Dell, John DeMaso, Joe DeMaso, John DeMaio, John Denega, Gary Dennis, Ron DeRollo, Maria DeSantis, Mario DeSantis, , Mike Desnoyers, Scott DeVaul, John Diano,  Joe DiCiano, Chuck DiCosmo, Danny Di Imperio, Jack DiLauro, Rocco DiMento, Dan Dishaw, Scott Dixon, Joe Donelan, Mike Donohue, Kat Dooley-Wandersee, Chuck Dorgan, Dale Dorman, Kevin Dorsey, Liz Lanza Doyle, Gary Driscoll, Gary Dunes,  Dan Dunn, Bill Dutch, Mike Easterly, Dan "Cato" Eaton, Bill Eberhardt, George Egosarian, Tom Emmi, Bob English, Joe English, Mike Estep, Susan Etherington (OHA), Chris Eves, Paul Fairbanks, Jennifer Falco, Jimmy Falco, Tony Fallico, Don Familo, Vince Faraoni, Kevin Farrell, Donnie Farrington, Frank Farnsworth, Jeff Favallo, Charlie Featherstone,  Frank Feinstein, Elizabeth Fern, Nancy Fetterly, Kim Fetters, Tom Finn, Conan Fioramonti, Ben Fiore, Jon Fishman, Don Fitzgerald,  Todd Fitzsimmons, Dave Flansburg, Max Flansburg, Herb Flower, Charrie Foglio, Jimmy Foran, Don Forbes, Earl V. Ford Jr., Tommy Forest, Ron France, Alan Frank, Andrew Frazo, Jimmy Frech, Liz Friedel, Mark Fryer, Sam Furco, Mick Fury, Joe Galuski,  Greg Gannett, Matt Gee, Michael "Mickey" Gentile, Lisa Gentile, Dave Gersony, Howard Gersony, Tom Giamceuski, Mark Gibson, Dave Gnatowski, Gary Goal, Maury Goldberg, Terry Golden, John Goodwin, Jeffrey Gordon, Mike Goss, Warren Gradus, Austin Gravelding, Matt Gray, Dan Green, Garnett Grimm, Mimi Griswold, Fred Grosche, Kurt Grow. Keith Gruber, Gary & Ed Grudynski.

Isreal Hagan,  Marcia Hagan, Sylvestor Hagan, John Halko, Garry Hall, John T. Hall, Bob Halligan Jr, Bob Halstrom, Ed Hamell, Bobby Hamilton, Earl Hamilton.  Nanci Hammond, B.J. Hayes, Mike & Eileen Heagerty, Amy Hebert, Kristopher Heels, Stu Heinrich, Peter Heitzman, Tom Helsher, Maureen Henesey, Pete Hennessy, Dugan Henhawk, Tim Herron, Duane Hitchings, Jerry Hludzik (The Buoys),  Shawn Hobin, Bob Hodge, Pat Hodson,  Anna Hoffmann, Eva Hoffmann, Gustav Hoffmann, Nancy Lorraine Hoffmann, Blaine Holcomb, Jack Holton, Bob Holz, Tom Honan, Tony Hooper, Greg Hoover, David Hormel, Fred Horton, Nate Horton, Rob Hoston, Tom Hosmer, Rob Host, Matt Hotaling, Larry Hoyt, Sue Hullar, Tom Hunter (OHA), Harold Hyde, Jon Insel, Earl Irons, Carl Irvine, Scott Irving, Paul Iskander, Greg Italiano, Mike Jachles, Greg Jackson, Jam Factory, Ron Jarman, Joe Jewell, Joanna Jewett, Jimmy Johns, Jeff Jones, W. Jeffrey Jones, Andy Jordan, Art Judge, Mike Julian, Juan Junco, Mike Kallet, Mark Kalsuga, Bob Kane, Joel Kane, Lou Kaplan,  Ron Kaussner, Irving Kaufman, Ron Keck (SubCat Studio), Tapio Keihanen, Kathy Kellish, Jim Kelley,  Nancy Kelly, John Kelsey, Pete Kennedy, Tom Kenny, George Kilpatrick, Peter King, Tony King (OHA), Kenyetta King, Phil Kline, Evan Knight, Bill Knolton, Keith Kobland, John Kokot, Kate Kolb, Kristen Kopf, Jack Kreischner, Jeff Kulikowsky (WSYR TV9), Dave Laird, Cathy LaManna, Phil Lambrinos, Mark La Nigra, Arthur Lane, John Latocha, Jeff Laurence, Ron Lauback, Alex Lavon, Freddie Lawrence, Steve Leeds, Kim Lembo, Arty Lenin, Bev Leonard, Debbie Leonard, Jon Lessels,  Ron Levine, Carman Liberatone, Tony Licameli, Carmen Licatra, Dave Liddy, Jack Lipton, Rocky Lockhart, Ted Long,Jose Antonio Gurtierrez Lopez, Bob Lorenz, Wilma Lung, Larry Luttinger.

Dave Machan, Gordon MacRae, Joel Mackey, George Madigan, Jack Maheu, Frank Malfitano, Doug Mancabelli, Dave Mance, Vince Mangiamelli, Gap Mangione, Harold Mantor, Steve Marcone, Phil Markert, Syd Marshall,  Don Martell,  Dave Martin, Don Martin, John Martinelli (Ch 9), John Martellaro, Mike Martineau, Mike Marzullo, Langston Masingale, Dick Mastriano, Elliott Mattice, Todd Mattraw, Mark Mazengarb, Nick Mazza, Ed McBarron, Steve McCord, Gene McCormick, Gael McGear, Fran McGrath, Pete Mckay, Mike McKay, Max McKee, John McKenna, Pete McMahon, Royce McManus, Dave McQuillan, Joe McSweeney, Brian Meegan, Richie Melito, Chuck Mellone, Mike Messere, Karen Michaels, Melissa Midgeley, Brian Miles, Dave Miller, Brian Mingle, Terry Mingle, Bob Mitchell, Bernie Milton, Miss E, Liz & Tony Modafferi, Jeff Moleski, Doug Moncrief, Kim Monroe, Spencer Montague, Kate Monto, Kate Monto, Ted Monto, Larry Monty, Jerry More, Dan Morrison, Brandon Morse, Jack Morse, Sandra Morse, Jana Mosey, Dave Moziak, Rick Mozzo, Jason J.J. Mudge, Terry Mulhauser, Wayne Mueller, Tip Munger, "Austin" Jimmy Murphy, Ed Murphy, Dick Murphy, Jim  Murphy, Mark Murphy. Melissa Murphy

Ric Naistant, Mark Nanni, Tommy Nast, Peter Naughton, Joe Neri, Frank Neubert, Peg Newell, George Newton, Joey Nigro-Nilson, Jamie Notarthomas, Jon Notarthomas, Jess Novak, John Nucifora, Brandan O'Connor, Jim O'Mahney, Dan O'Neil, Charley Orlando, Harold Osborne "Oz", Beth Owens, Phil Owens, Tom Owens, Dan Padavona,  Edgar Pagan, Cindella Palmer, Ronnie Palmer, Bob Papaleoni, Donald D. Park, Lonnie Park, Claude "Red" Parton, Dusty Pascal, Warren Paschetto, Debbie Pasternack, Tom Payne, Mike Peden, Alex Perialas, John Perialas, Dave Perkins, Tony Perolla, Joanne Troy Perry, Bob Perry, Sam Paterelli, Russ Pellegrino, Bobby Petrella, Al Petroff, Mike Petroff, Phil Petroff, Bill Pfohl, Chynna Phillips, Kaaren Pierce, Letizia Pinkel, Nick Pollastro, Dave Priola, George Plavocos, Bob Powell, Jody Pucello, Penny Jo Pullus, Carl Pynn, Terry Quill,  Missy Ragonese (Miss E), Carolina Rimerez, Mike Ranger, Larry Rand, Dale Randall, Joe Rao, Danielle Rausa, Leo Rayhill, Dave Read, Jim Reagan, Brian Reavy, Redline Band, Hanna Richardson, Dave Ridgeway, Joe Riposo, Mike Riposo,  Emedin Rivera, Mary Beth Roach, Jim Robertson, Charlie Robbins, Rob Robbins, Art "Legs" Robins, Hal Robinson, Steve Robinson, Tim Robinson, Tex Roe, Amanda Rogers, Tommy Rogers, George Rossi, Kimberley Rossi, Kathy Rowe,  Alan Rowoth, Susan Royal, Andy Rudy, Al Ruscito, John Russo, Ron Russo, Michael P. Ryan,  Rick Ryder (Tim Huppman),

Dave Salce, John Saltamach, Billy Sanders, Brian Sanders, Tom "T.W." Saunders,  Bob Scarlota, Steve Schad, Tony Schimizzi, John Schrack, Paulie Scire, Larry Serafini, The Seven, Wendy Shoen, Cecile Scott, Fred Sears, Lou Segreti, Larry Serafini, Skip Seyerle, Frank Sgroi, "Duke" Shanahan, Jack Share, Chris Shaw, Mike Shaw, Dick Sheridan. Rob Sherwood, Tom Shine, Wendy Shoen, Tamaralee Shutt, Dennis Sick, Kim Simmonds, Freddie Simmons, John Simone, Tex Simone, Mike Sims, George "Bebo" Singleton, Jimmy Singleton, Mike Skowron, Curt Smith, Otis Smith, Taylor Smith, Dennis Snow, Ted, Snyder, Jerry Sorn, David Soule, Jim Spadafore, Rob Spagnoletti, Ron Spencer, Dan Sperato, Kelly Springer, Steve Starmer, Rick Starmer, Bob Stasko, Scott Sterling, Wayne Stevens, Dave Stevenson, Todd Stiles, Robyn Stockwell, Bill Storm, Shane Storto, Liz Stroedel, Billy Strong, Mark Sukornig, Shawn Sullivan,  Fred Sweet,  Gael Sweeney, Ian Taddeo, Vince Taft, Russ Tarby, Jim Tate, Chris Taylor, Greg Tearney,Evan Tennant, Bruce Tetley, Doug Thaler, Ron Thompson, Eric Thorgren, Byron Tiejen, Mark Tiejen, Lee Tiffault, Mark Tiffault, Sox Tiffault, Joe Toscano, Tom Townsley, Tony Trischka, Todd Troubetaris, Dave Truax, Scotty Trudell, Chris Tso, Mike Tucker, Sheila Tucker, Kristian Turo, Alan Tyler, Olivia Ugino (Ch 9), Gary Vann, Andrew VanNorstrand, Dennis Veator, Mickey Vendetti, Floyd Otis Vincent, Meegan Voss, Mike Voutsinas,Chris Wagner, Mick Walker, Maddy Walsh, Kat Walters, Rance Walters, Joel Warren, Stacey Waterman, Richard Webb, Denise Weeks, Gary Weeks, Danny Weiss, Dave Wellner. Phil Wells,  Lisa Wetton, Randy Wenner, John West, Mark Westers, Chuck Wheeler, John Whipple, Mark Wildrick, Eric Will, Don Williams, Eddie Williamson, Scott Wilson, Terri Wilson, John Wisniewski, Billy Cathers Wolf, Meg Wolf, Billy Wolfe, Rod Wood, Courtney Woods, Claudia Wool, Ed Wool, Dr. Rick Wright, Howie Wyeth, Dave Yawman, Gregg Yeti, Bob Volk, Mark Zane, Jane Zell, Bob Zenter, Phil Zeppetello, Roger Zinszer.

Also To-
Syracuse New Times past & present (Mike Greenstein, Bob Lorenz, Roland Sweet, Mike Davis, Bill DeLapp , Art Zimmer, Joe Glisson,  Bill Broad, Jessica Novak, Russ Tarby), Onondaga Historical Association (Tom Hunter, Dennis Connors), Syracuse Area Music Awards (Liz Nowak, Debbie Foley, Carol Thoryk-O'Leary), Walts Record Shop (Eddie & Gary Grudynski, Mark Kalsuga, Gary Podsiedlik, Dave Ridgeway, Larry Liberman), Jack Wolak's Rare Necessities,  Rise n' Shine Dinner, Blue Wave Productions (Greg Spencer), D.M.R. Enterprises (David Rezak, Stacey Waterman), Hollywood Restaurant- Cortland (Rock & Denise Feinstein), Landmark Theater, PetCap Music (Guy Capone), Syracuse M&T Jazz Festival (Frank Malifitano), Dayson Studio (George Day), Gerber Music Company (Bill Gerber III, Terri Gerber, Mr & Mrs William Gerber Jr.), Syracuse Blue Print (Rocky Lockhart), Post Standard Newspaper past & present (Brian Burke, Mark Bialczak, Sean Kirst, Chris Baker), Maplewood Inn & Carnegie CafĂ©- Liverpool, NY,  Pensabene's Casa Grande Restaurant (Terry Pensabene, Dominick Mazza), Palace Theater, Liverpool Holiday Inn, Barbagalo's Restaurant (Al & Dan Barbagalo).

To the many bands I've worked directly with though the years- Sam & The Twisters, The Monterays, Livin Ennd, Sermon, Headstone II.  The Seven, Jam Factory, ELF (Dio, Feinstein, Soule, Driscoll), Joe Whiting & Mark Doyle, Dean Brothers, Nanci Hammond, Mickey Rat, Dave Feinstein's Thunder, The Alligators, Sandy Bigtree Band, Sleepy Hollow Band, Cross Creek, Dave Porter,  Jimmy Cavallo & House Rockers, The Rods, New York Flyers, The Nightcaps, Carnege, Timeline, The Velcros, Too Loose, Wilkesbury Brigade, Kat Tale, Hard Promises, Loren Barrigar & Mark Mazengarb, CNY Songbirds, Little Queen, Joe Whiting Band, The Billionaires, Cafferty Band, Sydney Irving & Mojo, AMP; Mojo and all those great Cortland musical acts.

2014-20,  Live Shows, Bands & Reunion Bands-

Don Barber & The Dukes (Don Barber, Joe Sawmiller, Joe Leo, Brian Miles, Chuck Cavallaro,  Skip Seyerle, Dave Read).

Livin Ennd-- (Jan Fetterly, Mickey Palumbo, Al Wolf, Adrian Lezotte, Sandy Bigtree w/ special guest Mike Price aka Baron Daemon)

The Nightcaps (Dave Novak, Bill Weiss, Don Shoudy, Al McNeil, Tom Rozzano).

Campus Walkers (Mickey Nicotra, Tom Rozzano, Mike Carletta, Bill Weiss),

Art "Legs" Robins & Prestige, (Art Robins, Don Martin, John Mangicaro, Dr. Jerry Brown, John Cappozzolo and guest Chuck Sgroi ),

Mark Hoffmann Family Band, (Mark, Eva, Anna & Gustav Hoffmann, Dave Solazzo, Kenyatta King and special guest former NYS Senator- Nancy Lorraine Hoffmann),

The Outcasts (Mike Ferrante, Ted Storto, Jack Share, Shane Storto, Tommy G, Curt Smith).

The Coachmen  (Mike Davis, Joe Neri, Mark Wildrick, Dickie Cappotto, Rick Cappotto, Carl Putzer, Wayne Mueller, Bob Petta, Bill Willis, Dennis Goettel, John Saltamach),

Timeline- Mike Ferrante, Ted Storto, Curt Smith, Shane Storto, Rance Walters, Tommy G, Steve Schad,

AdVentures- (Ed McBarron, Byron Tiejen, Frank Dehner, Mark Tiejen, Kurt Schmidt),

Carmen Licitra & The Vikings-  (Carmen Licitra, Chuck DiCosimo, Dave Novak,
Chuck Cavallaro & Ed McBarron)

Kat Tale-  (Kate Kolb, Kat Dooley-Wandersee, Mike Featherstone, Eric Wilson, William Blanchard, Steve Robinson) 

Lawless Brothers- (Scotty Trudell, Dave Flans, Michael Brown, Dave Truax).

Fab Cats- (Gary Freany, Arty Lenin, Dave Novak, Dave Miller, Mike  Kallet).

Cross Creek- Danny Weiss, John Cadley, Dave Novak, Fred Lawrence, John Dancks,
Jimmy Johns, George Newton and Tony Trischka

Skip Murphy's Merry Pranksters- Dave Liddy, Mark Gibson, Mike Ranger, Sharon Allen,
Wayne Stevens, Dave "Big D" Schneider, George Newton & Skip Murphy..

Sandy Bigtree Band-  Sandy Bigtree, Gary LaVancher, Dan "Cato" Eaton, Jimmy Johns, Pat Hodson

History of Syracuse Music All-Star Band-  Buke Babikian, Ted Boileau, Mike Ferrante, Mark Hoffmann, Ed McBarron, Skip Murphy, Dave Novak, Frank Rhodes, Steve Schad, Don Shoudy, Curt Smith, Shane Storto, Ted Storto, Scotty Trudell, Bill Weiss, Mark Wildrick.

Carnege (Reunion band)- Bob Lindberg, Chuck Cavallaro, John Favalo. Chuck Pietra, Bob Powell,  Bob Stasko, Dave Wellner

The Strangers-   Joe DiCiano, John DiLauro, Mike Ranger, Ronnie Dark

New York Flyers-   Chris Tso, Phil Dalessandro, Mike Marzullo, Earl Hamilton

Timeline, Outcasts (Reunion) & Nightcaps- Christmas Show- December 6, 2015 with Bruce Tetley & Jack Share joining the Outcasts while Bob Papaleoni, Buke Babikian & Al McNeal performed with the Nightcaps. Traveled in from San Francisco, Cleveland & Boston to be there.

Sermon (Reunion) & Timeline- June 12, 2016 - 
Sermon- Bill Weiss, Dave Novak, Jimmy Cox, Bob Stasko, Bob Papaleoni, Jimmy Johns......

Timeline Band- Mike Ferrante, Ted Storto, Curt Smith, Shane Storto, Rance Walters.

Wilkesbury Brigade (Reunion) & Dave Novak's & PartyNuts,  September 25, 2016-
Wilkesbury Brigade -Joe Rao, Tommy Forest, Mike Campbell, Tim Cleary, Wayne Paschetto
Dave Novak's PartyNuts - Dave Novak, Mike Kallet, John Dancks, Ed McBarron, Tom Link., J.T. Hall and special guest Dave Hanlon

FabCats- April 23, 2017  Show #18 at Liverpool Holiday Inn
Gary Frenay, Arty Lenin, Dave Novak, Dave Miller

Timeline Band- April 23, 2017- Show #18 at Liverpool Holiday Inn
Dennis Veator, Mike Ferrante, Ted Storto, Shane Storto, Rance Walters.

History of Syracuse Rock N Roll "Classic Canteen" September 10, 2017- Show #19 at the LIverpool Holiday Inn 5-7 PM

Little Queen Band - Sept 10, 2017- Show #19 Sheela Tucker, Mike Featherstone, Kate Kolb,
Kristen Turo, Steve Robinson, Nick Pollastro, Paul Iskander

History of Syracuse Music All-Star Band  Show #19 (September 10, 2017)-
Dave Novak, Dave Hanlon, Bill Weiss, Don Shoudy, Buke Babikian, Mike Ferrante, Ted Storto,
Frank Rhodes, Ed McBarron, Don Williams, Shane Storto, Scotty Trudell and specials guests- Tommy Forest and Mike Campbell.

History of Syracuse Rock N Roll "Classic Canteen" Christmas Show #20 (December 3, 2017) Liverpool Hoilday Inn

Joe Whiting Band with special guest Loren Barrigar (Brian Barrigar, Rick Basha, Tony Schimizzi, John Martellaro, Joe Whiting)

CNY Songbirds (Maureen Henesey, Joanna Hewett, Donna Colton, with Sam Paterelli, Frank Neubert, Kristopher Heeks, Jim O'Mahney)

History of Syracuse All-Star Jam-  Dave Novak, Bill Weiss, Ed McBarron, Gary Branch, Joe Whiting, Don Williams, Steve Schad

2018- CNY Music Legend Rick Cua Tribute Show at Barbagallo's- July 29, 2018 Show # 21

Rick Cua, Dave Hanlon, Tom Rozzano, Rick Chisholm, Bob Halligan Jr, Howie Bartolo, Larry Serafini, Bob Stasko, Emedin Rivera, Cathy LaManna, Joe Davoli, Don Martel, Tony Hooper, Ted Storto, Dave Williams. MC- Nick Caplan. Music from Campus Walkers, Dove, C.R.A.C. Sparrow, Ceili Rain & Blues Council.

2018 History of Syracuse - Rock N Roll Dance Party " Oct 7, 2018, Lp Holiday Inn Show #22

Stroke-   Bill Barry, John Kelsey, Isreal Hagan & Buke Babikian
Wilkesbury Brigade-  Tim Cleary, Joe rao, Mike Campbell, Brian Meegan, Don Shoudy
Ronnie Leigh, Gary Branch

2018- History of Syracuse 'Christmas Show" Dec 3, 2018  Liveroool Holiday Inn Show #23

CNY Blues Brothers-  Jake & Elwood Blues
Elvis-  Tom Gilbo
Menage A Soul-  Mike Davis, Rock Carbone, Dave Frateshi, John Saltamach, Dickey Cappotto
Kia Worrell, James Spivy

2019 History of Syracuse Rock N Roll Soul Dance Party, May 5, 2019  Barbagallos Rest #24

Billionaires-  Anna White, Kimo Cortini, Rob Hoston, Daryl Hunt, Andy Johnson
Special Guest- Gary Branch & Ronnie Leigh.

2019 History of Syr Rock N Roll "Horn Jam", Oct 13, 2019, Liverpool Holiday Inn  #25

Atlas-  Jerry More,  George Feltman, Ted Boileau,
Blacklites-  Rick Chisholm, Dave Frateschi, Eddie Wallstreet Brown, Ken Case, Rick Linzy,
Brass Inc-  Dee MaComber, Dave Frateschi, Walt Tanner, Rick Carlton, Brian Burke,
Menage a Soul  Mike Davis, Rock Carbone, Kia, Dickie Cappotto, James Spevy, John Saltamach
                           Dave Frateschi
Prime Time Funk- Ronnie Leigh, Ron France, Jim Richard, Dave Cohen, Ron D'Angelo
Sharp Dressed Penguins  Bill Barry, Dave Frataschi, Ken Case,

2019 History of Syr Rock N Roll "Christmas Party, Dec 1, 2019, Liverpool Holiday Inn #26

Tim Gilbo as Elvis and the Blue Suede Shoes Band-
Timeline- Dave Novak, Mike Ferrante, Ted & Shane Storto, Ed McBarron
History of Syr All-Star Band- Jerry Cali, Don Shoudy, Mark Hoffmann, Dave Novak,
Ed McBarron, Buke Babikian, Rock Carbone, Mike Featherstone, Bill Weiss, Don Williams,
Stephanie Lutzy, Steve Schad, Mike Davis, Scotty Trudell, John Saltamach, Sheila Tucker

Syracuse Radio Stations- WAQX- 95X (Scott Dixon, Dave Frisina), WFBL AM-1390, WCIP, WHEN AM-620 (Pete McKelvin). WNDR AM-1260 (Jim O'Brien, Dave Laird, Dan Leonard, Fran McGrath, Big George, Dick Mastriano), WOLF 92.1 FM Country (Skip Clark), WSEN FM B-ville (Gary Dunes, John Carucci, Rick Ryder, Jim Tate, Jim Sims ) WSYR AM 570 (Joe Galiski), WSYR 94 Rock FM (Howie Castle, Tommy Nast), WZUN-Sunny 102 FM (Rick Gary, Mike Fiss), WXTL 105.9 "The Rebel" (Dave Frisina),  WYYY 94.5 FM (Kathy Rowe, Mike Fiss), I-100 (Ithaca- Kat Walters), The Dinosaur (WOLF-WNDR-WSEN-WFBL-WMBO) 93.5/ 94.1/ 97.1/ 103.7/ 103.9 /106.1 FM (Nick Caplan, Lee Goodman, Bob Brown, Tony Fallico, Peter Naughton, John Schrect, Chris Weidman, Gary Michaels, Dan Elliott, John Carucci, Sam Furco, Craig Fox).

Syracuse Television Stations folks past & present- WCNY TV-24 (Pete MacKay, Bill Pfohl, George Kilpatrick, Steve Parton), WSYR TV-9 & Bridge Street (Tim Fox, Rod Wood, Dave Bullard, Rick Gary, Jim Campagnia, Carrie Lazarus, Chris Brandolino, Kaylea Nixon, Jeff Kulkowsky, Jim Teske, Olivia Ugino, Tami Palmer, Sean Martinelli ), WNYS- TV-9 (Phil Market, Bebo Singleton, Charlie Featherstone, Mike Price, Bud Ballou), WSYT TV-3 (Don Edwards), WTVH TV-5 (Ron Curtis, Dick Deline), Time Warner Cable News 10 (Bill Carey, Tom Blandin, Tami Palmer) & Spectrum / Time Warner- Spectrum Cable (Bob Papaleoni, John Gabriel),


Jack Abert, Fred Aboud, Sam Amato, Andy Anderson,  Chet Andrews, Larry Arlotta, Ahmoulik Avigal, Zolton Bady (Paul Kelly), Bud Ballou, Sam Barone, Bud Barrette, Jik Baruch, Nick Baruch, Scott Bassinson, Tom Bean, Ron Bee, Jack Belle, Chris Bergan, Mary Bigtree, Len Blanchard,  Brian Bourke, Lafayette Breland, George Brewer, Dominick Bruno, Ron Bruno, John Buck, John Bujak, Guy Capone, Bill Carey, David "Ducky" Carlisle, Bob Carolin, Paul Case, Matt Cacossa, Chuck Cavallaro, Jimmy Cavallo, Hal Casey, Jeff Chappelle, Dick Clark, Stan Colella, Leon Cominsky, Bobby Comstock, T.J. Condon, Charlie Cooke, Dave Corcoran, Dan Coughlin, Bob Couse, Windy Craig, Freddie Critella,  Buz Cua, Jimmy Culkin, Ron Curtis (Izzo), Jeff Davis, Jennifier "Tee" Davis,  Tom DeAmbra, Roosevelt Dean, Tom Dean, Kent DeFelice, Ray Delaney, Dick Deline, Jim Deline, Ray Ray Derby, Annette DeSantis, Mario DeSantis, John Diano, John DiLauro, Ronnie James Dio, Dale Dorman, Bobby Doyle, Gary Driscoll, Nancy Duffy, Dan Dunn,  Mike Easterly, Tom Eldbridge (Buck Tacker), Dan Elliott, Rev. Larry Ellis, Billy Elmiger, Vincent Falcone, Frank Farnsworth, Charlie Featherstone, Tim Featherstone, Paul Feder, Doug Fehrman, Frank Feinstein, Mike Ferrante, Stephen Fishman, Bob Fleming, Don Forbes, Keith Ford, Tommy Forest, "Jolly Rolly" Fowler, Jim Fricano, Joe Galuski, Bill Gebhart, Sly Germano, Dave Gersony, Mark Gibson, Pat Gillings,Tim Gillis, Bill Gleason, Lawrence Glod (Stringer), Gary Goal, Terry Golden, Art Goodwin, Dave Goodwin, Monroe Gordon, Mike Goss,  Warren Gradus, Rick Gravelding, Bobby Green, Ray Green, Paul Grillo, Gary Grogran, Kurt Grow, Craig Gruber, Eddie Grudynski (Walt's Record Shop), Dick Haggett, Tim Haley, Sue Harrington, Eli Harris, Fred Hart, Tom Haskell, Pete Hennessey, Merilee Herr, Larry Hoppen, Fred Horton, Roy Howell, Dick Howard, Larry Hoyt, Tim Hubbard, Bill Hubert, Jerry Hludzik, Chris Jones, Bill Iocco, Jerry Irons, Carl Irving, Greg Italiano, Greg Jackson, Kelly James, Al Jenner, Mark Kalsuga, Ron Kaussner, Rebecca Keefe, Phil Klein, Bob Kulick, Ben Lambert, Phil Lambrinos, Dave Langham, Gary LaVancher Jr, Gordon Lavancher, Nick LaVerne, Dick Lawrence, 'Dandy Dan" Leonard, Paul Levandowski, Myron Levy, Carman Liberatore, Jon Liebing, Bob Lindberg, Tom Link, Jack Lipton, Jim Lucas, Gordon MacRae, Doug Mancabelli, Peter Manning, Carl Mano, Harold Mantor, Judy Mariniss, Phil Markert, Jason Marshall, T. Sherman Marshall, Marty Martens, Jeff Martin, Joe Maston (Jay Walker), Eric Mattice, Norm Mattice, Willie Tatters Mavin, Chris May, Dave Mazzoli, Gene McCormick, Curtis "Tall Bucks" McDowell, Chuck Mellone, Pete Mendillo, Frankie Michaels, Bernie Milton, Dee, Minor, Doug Moncrief, Mike Money,  Spencer Montague, Larry Monty, Steve Moosburger (Holly Rock), Jack Morse, Davey Moss, Felix Mozzo, Rick Mozzo, Tip Munger, Walter Munson (Best Wishes), Mark Murphy, Jimmy Nalls, Joe Nappi, Al Nathan, Tony Neri, Sal Nistico, Ed Northrup, Mark Novak, Wayne Nugent, Jim O'Brien, Dave Olsen, Patsy and Anne Padavona, Bob Papaleoni, Ronnie Palmer, Joe Pangaro, Jim Pantas, Nick Pantas, Dave Pasternack, Marty Patten. John Periales, Bob Perry, Dave Piroia, Dom Piroia, Rick Plante, George Plavocos, Chris Powell, David Powell, Frank Puzzullo, Dave Read, Lou Reed, Peter Restey, Byron Archie Richardson, Dave Ridgeway, Mike Riposo, Phill Rizzo, Tex Roe,John Rohde, Tom Royal, Nick Russo, Rick Ryder (Tim Huppman), Marty Santy, Rick Scapicchio, Tony Schimizzi, Scott Secaur, Mike Secreti, Skip Seyerle Jr, Donny Sharrow, Pete Shedd, Stephen Shedd, Joanne Shenandoah, Kyle Shirley, Kevin Skwaryk, Kim Simmonds, Otis Simmons (Otis Lee), Anthony "Tex" Simone, Kenny Simpson, Jim Sims, George "Bebo" Singleton. Jimmy Singleton, Otis Smith, Rick Snyder, Ted Snyder, Mike Spengler, Junior Stevens, Rick Stevens, Butch Strong, Chris Sweet, Roy Taylor, Loren Teachout, Eric Thorngren, "Sox" Tiffault, Gary Togni, Chuck Tubbert,  Pat  Turk, Steve Uehlin, Bruce Van Brocklin, Jimmy Van Heusen, Dave Vermilya, Keith Vincelette,  Dave Walker, Jay Walker (Joe Waston), Bob Wandpflug, Art Wentzel, Chuck Wheeler, Johnny Whipple, Limey Wickwire, Henry Wieszczynski, Eddie Williamson, Rick Wilson,  Billy Wolfe, John Wolford, Rod Wood. Mark Woodard, Bruce Yaw, Bob Yeager, Diane Zain and the so many more.

Though the years there have been so many national artists & groups that have given time to help us with memorabilia, interviews, photos and just great stories to enhance our Syracuse Music history, here is a list of just a few.

Alice Cooper, Duane Allman, Sam Andrew (Big Brother), Vinnie Appice (Black Sabbath, Dio), Rod Argent (Zombies, Argent), Peter Asher (Peter & Gordon), Badfinger, (Joey & Tom), Julia Baird (John Lennon's sister), Billy Baldwin, Martin Barre (Jethro Tull), Loren Barrigar, Belmonts (Warren Gradus), Pete Bennett (Apple Records Executive), Black Oak Arkansas (Jim Dandy), Garry Bordonaro (The Rods, Savoy Brown), John Bonham (Led Zeppelin), James Brown, Brownsville Station (Cub Koda), The Buoys (Bill Kelly, Jerry Hludzik), David Byron (Uriah Heep), Cactus, Jim Capaldi (Traffic), Carl Canedy, (The Rods), Canned Heat (Bob Hite, Richard Hite, Henry Vestine, Fito De LaPadda), Freddy Cannon,  Felix Cavaliere, Peter C. Cavanaugh, Eric Clapton, Dick Clark, Joe Cocker, Bobby Comstock, Gene Cornish, Windy Craig, Rick Cua, Derek & The Dominoes (Eric Clapton, Duane Allman, Carl Radle, Bobby Whitlock, Jim Gordon), Rick Derringer, Neil Diamond,  Ronnie James Dio, Wendy Dio, Dion, John Dittrich (Restless Heart), Dale Dorman, Gary Driscoll (ELF, Rainbow), Nokie Edwards (The Ventures), Keith Emerson (Emerson, Lake & Palmer), Joe English (Jam Factory, Wings), David "Rock" Feinstein (ELF, The Rods), Flaming Ember, Earl V. Ford Jr, (Jam Factory, Tall Doggs), Melvin Franklin (Temptations), Frijid Pink, Danny Goldberg (Atlantic Records Ex), Chris Goss (Masters Of Reality, Queens of the Stone Age & famed Producer), Guess Who (Jim Kolb),   Hilary Hahn, Bob Halligan Jr, Jimi Hendrix, Herman's Hermits,  Duane Hitchings, Tony Hooper (Blues Council), Danny Hutton (Three Dog Night), Iron Butterfly (Lee Dorman, Doug Ingle), James Gang (Dale Peters, Joe Walsh, Jim Fox),  Jethro Tull (Ian Anderson, Martin Barre), Elton John (w/ Nigel Olsson & Dee Murray), John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin), Janis Joplin, Nancy Kelly, Al Kooper, Nick LaVernr, Alvin Lee (10 Years After), Ben Mauro, Led Zeppelin,  John Lennon, Ron Levine (Grammy Winner), Jeff Lynne, Johnny Maestro (Brooklyn Bridge, The Crests), Ben Mauro, Paul McCartney, Tim McGraw & Faith Hill, Roger McGuinn, Mersey Beatles Band, Moody Blues, Bruce Morrow ("Cousin Brucie"), Cliff Nobles, Peter Noone (Hermans Hermits), Dave Northrup (Oak Ridge Boys, Boz Scaggs, Rick Derringer), Rod Novak (King Harvest), Yoko Ono, Ozzy Osbourne, Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin), Norman Petty, Chynna Phillips (Wilson Phillips), Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin), The Presidents, Rascals (Gene Cornish & Felix Cavaliere), Dusty Rhodes, Smokey Robinson (Miracles), Rolling Stones,  Jeff Alan Ross (Badfinger), Mitch Ryder, Dean Schachtel, Rick Schell (Pure Praire League, Pinmonkey, Austin- Schell Band), John  Sebastian,  Bob Seger, Walt Sheppard, Kim Simmonds (Savoy Brown), Rick Snyder, Mickey Lee Soule, (ELF, Rainbow, Ian Gillan Band, Deep Purple),  Phil Spector, Mike Spengler (Southside Johnny, Bruce Springsteen etc), Steppenwolf (John Kay), Kate Taylor, Doug Thaler, Three Dog Night (Danny Hutton, Norm Sneed), Johnny Tillotson,  Tiny Tim, Tony Trischka, Turtles (Mark Volman),  Joe Walsh (James Gang, Eagles), Jimmy Webb, John West, Leslie West (Mountain),  The Who (Peter Townshend, Roger Daltry, John Entwistle, Keith Moon), Brian Wilson, Carl Wilson (Beach Boys), Stevie Winwood (Traffic, Blind Faith).

1 comment:

  1. Looking for info on The Versatones that played at Three Rivers Inn, in Phoenix NY in late 60s. They were two brothers and two friends.
    Played Guitar. Soft Music 40s and 50s.All have passed on. Thanks
